A Look Behind the Lens

Adjust the Focus

3 months of planning. 2 hours of shooting. 4 hours of editing. Capturing an image is a demanding task. However, once the process is complete, the image becomes the focal point, and deservedly so. This blog is an open invitation for all to engage in discussions and gain insights into the field of photography, regardless of their level of experience. Clients, models, and enthusiasts can witness the process of creating breathtaking images.


My blog aims to share insights on creating art, covering topics like posing tips, essential equipment, and digital media. I hope to provide clients with the necessary guidance to answer their questions and prepare for their photo sessions. Expect valuable insights and meaningful discussions.

Shot in Manual

Hi, my name is Kaitlyn and I absolutely love photography, especially when it comes to Boudoir. I've created this blog to share my experiences, tips, and recommendations with clients, enthusiasts, and fellow photographers alike. When I'm not taking pictures, you can find me painting, chasing after my toddler, or experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen. I'm thrilled to share my thoughts, inspirations, and questions about all things photography! So, welcome to Behind The Lens.


Hidden Gems ~ PNW